Director at Large
Mark Burdett has been a business owner in the Metro Atlanta area for over three decades. He has also been an active volunteer and archivist, serving Southwest Christian Hospice since 1986 and curating a collection of Narcotics Anonymous history since 1996.
Mark’s passion for history and preservation inspired him to start a history archive for Narcotics Anonymous, which led to the acquisition of Greg P’s private collection in 1999. Mark spent four years carefully logging and organizing materials and creating displays so this collection could be shared with others. The first time the archive was displayed was In 2000 at a MACNA convention, followed by a display of the Georgia Region’s history at the World Convention of NA in Atlanta in 2002. Since then, it has been shared at numerous GRCNA conventions as well as the Tennessee and Florida conventions. In the following decades Mark continued to curate the archive and display it at conventions around the southeast.
In 2018 Mark became involved in the Georgia Region’s NA History Book project, dedicating his resources to the important cause of archiving and sharing this history. His ongoing commitment to this project and to the cause of addiction recovery has been a source of inspiration to many.
Mark remains dedicated to the cause of preserving and sharing this important history, completing the NA History Book, and serving his community.